Thursday 2 May 2013

Planning: Qualitative Research

Front Page

      Contents Page

Double page spread

Evaluation from focus group

I conducted an interview with my target audience to find out what page design they preferred out of my front page designs, my contents, and my double page spread. Reasons as to why I had conducted this type of search was simply due to my magazine being aimed at girls aged between 16-24, and to find out their opinions on the designs will give me a higher chance of my demographic buying my magazine. Whilst conducting my search, I had asked a number of my demographic to answer 5 of my questions that I had produced. I then evaluated my results and based my page designs on what my target audience thought was best.
Firstly I had asked my target audience go give their feedback on my front page design. The most popular design for my front page was the design shown to the right. An interesting response that inspired me to change my design was a response from the following question. ‘If one of these designs where to be used, would you buy this magazine?’ The response that I had received was ‘Yes, as these images look appealing on the front pages, and makes me feel if I read these magazines I can be like them’. This gives me the impression that if there were attracting images on my front pages, my demographic would be more inspired to buy this as they feel they can relate themselves to the image. This puts this in line with Maslow Hierarchy of needs, where there is an image that gives my target audience their dreams and aspirations, so that they are able to buy the magazine to fulfil their dreams. This results in me changing my front cover to an attractive and appealing image(s), to draw the attention of my target audience to buy my magazine.
Secondly I had asked my target audience to also give their feedback on my contents page design. I had received a number of different responses, and had found that my most popular design was the image shown to the right. This was simply due to the fact that these colours were bright and eye catching, and the colours were girly, which they liked as these colours represent themselves. One of the questions that I had asked was the following. ‘How many images do you think the contents page should contain?’ the response that I had received was ‘‘I think the contents page should have more images that the rest as it’s the main page that gets people to continue reading, you need all the persuading to get, as words sometimes might take a lot of time to read, rather than just looking at pictures and being attracted to carry one reading’. This interest me as it tells me that my target audience are interested in more images as a whole, as they feel this may represent them, or even have a dream and aspiration to look like the images themselves. This result in me change my designs by adding in more images, that they are able to relate to, and are drawn into carry on reading, due to the interest in the images.
Thirdly I had asked my target audience to also give their feedback on my double page spread. I had received a number of different responses for my double page spread. I had discovered that the most popular design was the design shown on the right. This was simply due to the fact that the colour was girly and bright, so this can relate to my demographic. One question that intrigued me was ‘If you could change one thing on one of these designs, what would it be?’  the response that I had received for this question was ‘ I would change the fact they have less images, and should contain more than one as reading more writing with one image is quite boring’.  This tells me that I need to change my design slightly to match the needs and wants for my demographic. This also tells me as a whole that my audience prefer more images on all of my pages, so this then results in me to add in more images, so that they can relate themselves to my images, and also to follow their dreams and aspirations to look like my images.
This is the link to my focus group response as after I had asked them a number of questions about my designs for each of my pages.

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