Thursday 2 May 2013

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When first starting this task I had found it to be a lot easier to conduct my research through the internet, rather by collecting it by hand. This was due to the fact I was able to create an online survey, which was by using Questionpro. Also the fact of I could get held of secondary data online, which saves me time. I was also able to post my survey through the different social media’s, where most of my intended demographic spend their time, which will be available to fill out my survey.
One of the technologies that I had used to help me edit and manipulate my images was Adobe Photoshop. At first by using this technology, I found this quite difficult. However, throughout the amount of times having to use this, it became a lot easier to use. I have learnt that this technology enabled me to edit and manipulate my images to create the hyperreality effect for my images.

                                                                      Front Page

This shows what Photoshop has allowed me to do, which was to combine the two images together, to create the third image. What these two are showing is that this is the image presented on my front page. However, the original image shown on the left has the top part of the models head missing, therefore this would be lacking a code and convention, due to the fact the image, wouldn't be able to over the Masthead on the page. However, I have learnt to use Photoshop, which it has enabled me to use a second image, in order to add this onto the original image, to complete the picture, including the top of the head. I had done this by using the cropping tool, and to then blend in the colours of the hair together. My final piece is shown on the right hand side, which shows Photoshop has enabled me to complete this successfully. I have also used the rubber tool to erase the background, so this could appear as white.

This also shows how I have combined the two by removing both of the backgrounds on the images, and copying my first image over to my second image, which then left me with my last image, which is my final product. I then just had to clean up the edges, of the image underneath, keeping the top part of the head to complete the image. In order to get the whole hair colour the same, I had used the eye drop tool as shown, to select a section of her hair which would give me the colour. I then used this to paint the rest of her hair the same colour. Finally, to polish it all up, I had used the brightness and contrast tool to edit the colour of the picture, to smooth the colours out.

Contents Page

This shows one of the images that remain on my contents page. However it shows how Photoshop helped me edit and manipulate this image to help make it in line with the Male Gaze, due to the fact she is being seen as attractive, submissive and vulnerable to the men, and in line with hyperreality, due to the fact Photoshop has allowed me to crop out parts of her legs, making them thinner, remove any blemishes, and bring in her waist slightly. This would be more appealing to the females, due to the fact this reinforced the idea of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, for women having their dreams and aspirations to have this ideal look of beauty. I had used the rubber tool to rub off extra bits, and also
changed the brightness and contrast, in order to match the colour of the image within my contents page.

These images however show the first image, appearing orange, compared to the other images on my page, making the image appear fake. Therefore, Photoshop enabled me to change the colour of this by declining the hue tool, which then toned down the orange colour, into a more natural skinned colour.

                                    Double page spread


This is seen to be one of my most successful edits to fit in line with the hyper reality effect mainly, along with the male gaze theory. Photoshop also enabled me to enhance her breasts, along with cropping out her back to create an arch, creating a massive difference. I have also been able to cover her bra strap, with the filter tool which enabled me to select the colour of her skin, and to then fill in the strap, covering this up.

                                             Image page

This is also showing a change I have made by using Photoshop. This enabled me to change the colours of her hair, making it more reader. I did this by using the select tool, which enables me to change the colour of just her hair, as this is the section I had selected. I had also cropped in her waist, which enables me to meet the male gaze, and the hyper reality effect. This also shows what tool I used to do complete my edit, which was the rubber tool. I have also removed the colour of the background, using the same tool.

After manipulating and editing my image, I could then finally start the construction for my pages, and start adding in the images. A technology that I did this by was Microsoft Publisher, which is something I find easy to use, compared with using Photoshop. I had sometimes often had to also use the help from Microsoft Word. These two software’s are quite familiar with me, which made it easier for me to be able to build my construction for my magazine, which enabled me to make my magazine look as professional as I could make it.

I have also used digital technology such as different social media’s, such as posting my survey online to Facebook and Twitter, to ensure I received results meeting my needs. By this, this will ensure I received responses from my target audience, which are young females; the young generations are the usual generation that use different social media’s.
I have also used BlogSpot, which is where I posted all my work, including my research, planning, construction and my evaluation of my magazine. The blog also makes it easier for me to present and make my work look neat, and makes it easier to understand, than if it were to be done by hand.  This highlights that technology has made it easier for me to process my work. For example with my survey, if I were to conduct my research by hand, this would take me much longer than using technology, which took me a day where I received 70 responses. However, if I were to try receiving 70 responses by hand, this would take me longer than one day. This then makes all my construction of my magazine easier.
However, ways in which I had constructed my magazine through my use of publisher started off with a blank page, where I had learnt the skills and ability to build my page. I firstly started off with inserting my banner which consisted of the colour purple. However, I then changed my colour scheme to colours pink and black, as I had thought this colour would have the correct mode of address to suit my audience. I then decided to change my colours to baby blue, and pink. This was simply due to the fact I felt these colours were more eye catching and appealing to my audience, as the colour baby blue was quite bright. There was also the fact of baby blue balances out the pink, due to the fact if I were to use all pink, this may come across as quite childish, and too girly.
Whereas for my contents page, I had also started by a blank page, and constructed my page through different designs, applying me knowledge and skills to code my conventions properly.  My first design shows how I have inserted a plain typography, which I then thought wasn’t suitable for my target audience, due to the fact this font came across as big, bold and plain, which is a connotation for masculinity. Therefore I had changed my typography to a more suitable typography. However this was still in capital letters, which is a reason as to why I chose to select a curly feminine style. After selecting my correct typography, I then started to construct my page by inserting the codes and conventions for a contents page, such as the page names and their numbers, which shows I had met the conventions for it to be in line. After adding in the correct information, I then started to add in my images. However, I then changed my colour scheme to blue, as I thought this colour was more eye catching due to this colour being bright.  I then were about to succeed in completing my page, through my knowledge and skills of using publisher.
Furthermore, for my double page spread, I had also started with a blank page, where I was able to build and construct my page to meet my needs for my double page spread.  I had firstly started by inserting two black banners along with the title, and inserting my main image. I had then decided that the colour was not suitable for my demographic due to the fact my target audience consists of females, whereas black is a masculine colour. I then decided that the image didn’t link in with any of my theories such as the Male gaze, Hyperreality, or Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.  This lead me to make a decision of inserting three images, where I thought the first image represents the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, due to the fact she is positioned in such a way other females may inspire to be like her, my second image containing the theory of the Hyperreality effect, due to the fact I had used Photoshop to air brush her skin, and to crop bits of her arm off, to meet the wants of my target audience. 

Whereas for my third image shows a sense of the Male gaze, due to the fact she is positioned in a childlike pose, where she is seen as weak, submissive and vulnerable. However, I felt that these images were presented to big on the page, and didn’t look professional, due to some of the images not being in focus. I then had selected an image that appealed to all theories, which include the Male gaze, Hyperreality, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This is where I was able to insert these theories by using my skills and knowledge on Photoshop. I then found that this was more appropriate and appealing to my target audience, due to the fact my demographic consists of females.  I then completed constructing my page, by coding the conventions to meet my demographic.

     I then decided to include an image page, which could show how I learnt and understood the theories; Male gaze, Hyperreality, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. However, I had changed the images I included; due to the fact I had decided to use one of the images on my double page spread instead. My final three images show my knowledge on hyperreality from the last image, second image which represents the Male gaze, and my first image which represents Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.




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