Thursday 2 May 2013

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When comparing my preliminary task compared with my full product, I can notice a huge difference. I can see the preliminary task is seen as less professional looking and lacks the majority of the usual codes and conventions. I had also lacked containing a vital convention, which is including theories within my images. This was due to the fact I hadn't learnt it during the production of creating my preliminary task. It also reinforces the differentiations, due to the fact I hadn't planned my preliminary tasked, nor based it on any research I had conducted, which is what had done throughout my full product.

After fully learning the different concepts needed to meet the codes and conventions, and knowing the different theories, such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, The Hyperreality effect, Male Gaze, and Uses and Gratification, I have realised that these are the most two important things to include within a magazine. I have learnt that without the codes and conventions, the magazine lacks the professional standard look. The theories are a vital part to the images being presented, due to the fact this is the factor that draws in the attention of my attended target audience. I was also taught how to apply these theories, through the different technologies such as Photoshop, and also my growth of knowledge throughout the production of the task.

When looking at who my target audience were, I could see that with my preliminary task, I was given brief understandings of who my demographic consists of, which were mainly students, parents and teachers. I did not have any knowledge on how to make my magazine appeal to them, what sort of buzz words to include, images, typographies etc., due to the fact I was aiming the magazine at three different types of people. However, for my full product, I was able to gain a full understanding of who my target audience are, which I had discovered from my research with my survey, were young females. My survey also told me what sort of things my audience were interested in, such as what type of music they listen to, the colours I should include that would appeal to my demographic, the mode of address I should use, which all help me with my construction of my magazine, that can help make my magazine more appealing to my demographic. I was also able to look at other examples of existing magazines, which enabled me to see how they met the requirements of using codes and conventions, however in their own unique way, which help me think of my own unique way to use the information I have from my research, to add this into my construction, using the correct mode of address, which is something I hadn’t included within my preliminary task. 

Another thing that helped me make my decisions was through my qualitative and quantitative data. This enabled to me push me to my decision, due to the fact my quantitative data consisted of my survey from question pro, which is where I had discovered who my target audience were, what they wanted, and what the needed, in order for them to be attracted to my magazine. However were as for my qualitative data, I had interviewed a focus group which enabled me to ask them questions as to what design and layout they preferred best, and what changes and improvements would they make. This helps me understand what my target audience want, leading to me to make my final decision.

Whilst including the theories within my images, this helped me understand what my audience wanted, such as using Maslow’s theory, which suggests my audiences wants and needs to look like a particular image, or want to be a particular image, along with the theory of the Male Gaze, where I am able to include this, to make this appealing to my target audience, so they are able to personally identify themselves within my images, which is included in the theory of Uses and Gratification.

However, for my preliminary task, I had not made any use of Photoshop for any of my images, and therefore lacked any knowledge on how to use this technology. Whereas for my full product I had made use of Photoshop quite often, which has taught me to use the software quite well, where I was able to create and show my knowledge of using the Hyper reality effect create by Jean Baudrillard.

I have now developed a fuller and wider understanding and skills of the use of different theories, and how to apply them to my images, along with my text (Uses and Gratification), which is something that I had lacked in earlier tasks. I also understand that in order to carry out a production of a magazine, you need to have a full in depth research, and know details inside and out of your demographic, and to be able to explain what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how you are going to present your knowledge onto your magazine. I have also learnt the value of good photography, which is something that may be useful in future terms. This relates to my use of Photoshop, where I had no knowledge or understand how to use the software whilst I carried out my preliminary task, whereas whilst carrying out my final product, I have and have gained extra knowledge on the use of this software. I have also learnt extra knowledge of the use of Microsoft Publisher, which may be beneficial for me for later on.

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