Thursday 2 May 2013

Contact Sheet and Photoshoot documents

Front Page

This shows here that the first three images aren't high quality, or in focus, so therefore these images were not suitable for my magazine. There was also a fact of these three top images had no meaning behind them, such as the theories of Male Gaze, Hyperreality, and Maslow's Hiearachy of needs. However, with the images shown that I have selected, shows that they all have meaning behind them. They include meaning such as the character is seen to be wild, crazy, and has a outgoing personality. This meets my target audiences wants and needs, as research from my survey proves they are wild, outgoing and crazy. However, the top of my first selected image was slightly cut out, so therefore i had used another image which is shown next to this, where i had combined the two images together, using the top of the head of the second image, to complete the first image. My results are shown in my last photo, which has all been done through my use of Photoshop.

                                            Contents Page

This shows that I haven't used the four photos above, due to the fact that they are in not in focus, and the fact they do not convey any of the theories I intended to include, in particular the Male Gaze. There is also the fact of I wanted the image to convey a sense of power, so therefore my selected image shows this presentation, which is reasons as to why I had used this.

This here is showing the different images that I had used  for the couples on my contents page. However, I did not use the ones as shown , due to the fact I wanted my image to show a sense of the Male Gaze in particular , so that  my target audience can relate to this, and want to purchase my magazine. This is reasons as to why I had chose my last image, as it conveys a sense of the Male Gaze, and is appealing to my target audience. Reasons as to why I hadn't chose my other images, where due to the fact my models where slightly out of character, and not being able to see the girl properly, in certain images.  My selected images shows a sense of the Male Gaze, the models in character, and relates to my audience.

These images show the images I have used for my contents page. However I haven't used the first four images due to the fact the model has his eyes closed in one of the images, the other one had came out slightly dark, where my models are slightly smiling, and thirdly one of my models are not looking at the camera. However, for my final selected image, this shows that my models convey a sense that they have power, and the quality of the image is excellent.

This here is showing another photo-shoot I had taken out of another couple to go on my contents page. However, this shows that I haven't used my first five images, due to the fact I feel they do not convey the sense of ‘love’ as much as I intended.  In order to be appropriate for my demographic,  I intended on taking  a simple picture, that are appropriate for young females, where they are able to represent themselves. Therefore, the last image shows a simple and appropriate sense of ‘love’, that I have included within my magazine, that I feel was in focus, appropriate, and appealing to my target audience.
This shows the image I have used for my main person within my magazine page. However, I  intended on using a basic image, that would show to the audience that the article based on her consists within the next few pages. However, the first few images show that the model shows no face expressions.  There was also a fact of the image is not in focus, along with the image coming out to orange. However, my selected image shows a good sense of focus, and has also been taken in a good colour, which also conveys a sense of my theories, such as the Male Gaze, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

                                  Double page spread
This is showing the my main image for my double page spread. For this page, I intended on using an image that would convey a sense of all my theories, in particular Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. However, my first two image I feel was out of focus, and seen as too bright. They also show come across a bit childish for my demographic. However, whereas for my last image, this presents a great sense of the Male Gaze, and something where I am able to add in the Hyperreality effect, and is in much more focus, and high quality.

This however, is  showing a picture of a small image I had added onto my double page spread, above my title. I intended on representing this image as a small stereotype of women, which is to be in line with the Male Gaze. However, I felt my first three images did not meet this need, due to the fact they were slightly out of focus, and due to incorrect fact expressions. Whereas for my selected image, I had chosen this due to the fact it shows a sense of the Male Gaze, which is appealing to my audience, which shows a sense of me using the correct mode of address.
This here is showing an image that contains on my double page spread, at the bottom of my article. Reasons as to why I hadn't used the top two images, was due to the fact that they do not relate to my target audience, and would not appeal to them. There was also a fact of there was a slight colour issue. One had appeared to bright, and the other I felt appeared to dark. However, my selected image shows that this is appropriate for my target audience, due to the fact they contain all theories, such as Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs, Hyperreality effect, and allows me to include a sense of the hyper reality effect, whereas for my other images, this may have been slightly harder to do.
                                            Image Page
These images consist to be on my image page. However, I wished to have three of these, which would show my knowledge and use of all the theories; Hyperreality, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and male gaze. However I felt that my first three images did not meet these needs, due to the fact some were slightly out of focus, and had shown no face expression, and were not powerful enough, due to their simple poses. Where as my selected images, show excellent use of the theories, and shows that they are quite powerful and interesting images, which would appeal to my audience.

Photoshoot documents

This is a documents explaining where my photo shoot took place, the time, and the people that took part. If there were to be any health problems, the nearest hospital to these locations were Northwick Park Hospital. The details are as followed:

Address: Watford Rd, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ

Phone:020 8864 3232

The details of my models are:

Daniella Cooper

Health Problems: None
Location: A House

Priyanka Chandarana

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

Dilan Patel

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

Mashal Zamani

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

Julia Boguszewska

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

Jack Cox

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

Patrycja Anna Lis

Health Problems: None
Location: School Photography room

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