Wednesday 1 May 2013

Preliminary Task

My school magazine was particularly aimed at students and their parents, although my main audience was the parents. This was because most parents are interested in what is going on in their child/children’s schools, and if they have the best chances in succeeding in the school they are in. Due to them being my main target, my front cover as shown has many buzz words that can attract them into picking up my magazine. This is including words such as ‘Brain’, ‘Success’ etc. This is appealing to them as they want their child/children to be successful and gain all knowledge possible. Although, those students who are looking for the extra help can also view this magazine and get extra examination tips, as shown on the magazine front cover.
There are many conventions on my front cover, ensuring it’s matching with the codes and conventions of a magazine, making sure it’s appealing to my audience. Firstly I have my masthead at the top of the page, where it usually is place, following the codes and conventions, having it in a burgundy colour, so it’s easily seen to the audience. I also have other things that my audience might be interested in on the sides, such as upcoming events, and top tips, which are other things that will bring my audience in to buying the magazine. I also have the date and issue date on the top right hand corner, underneath the masthead, following codes and conventions. I also have a 3 colour scheme, which consists of a burgundy, light red, and a grey. This colour scheme continues onto my contents page to. The main image on the front page is also a photo a day of year 11’s prom day, and this can be appealing to those upcoming to year 11

Looking at the mode of address for the magazine, there are many conventions that are coded to appeal to my target audience, such as my buzz words, featured stories, upcoming events, and even the image on the front cover is trying to appeal to mainly students, giving them a rough idea of what their prom day could be like. This is done by two friends enjoying prom from a previous year, as it could be someone else’s dream and aspiration to look similar to the two on the front cover on their prom. This is also another way into getting students going to prom when they reach year 11. Another way in which my magazine contains mode of address was the professionalised words that were being used, so this was appealing and understanding to the parents that were going to read my magazine.

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